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by goxmel
The varied role of journalism has covered different aspects of people’s lives especially in this era of contemporary society. It is quite undeniable that even before, its influence has left a great impact on one’s perception that may even shape the whole being and existence of a person. Supported by the Republic Act 7079 or the Journalism Act of 19911, it has put into account the freedom of expression where one is allowed to write and voice out concerns for the purpose of information, entertainment and education. And with that, comes the growth of campus journalism. It has been considered as safeguards of information in school where students are honed to become critical thinkers, promoters of positivism and catalysts of change. But the question is, how can these mere student journalists whose experience were only limited within the vicinity of their four-walled classrooms empower communities and unite them as one? It is said that a school paper is the mirror of hopes and dreams of a community. Empowerment and foundation are ostensibly possible as campus journalism inculcates responsibility among students in expressing their thoughts persuasively without offending the opposite perspective, relaying their concerns and serving them a venue of dialogue in the most educated manner. However, it is unfortunate to know that need for restraint regarding student writers voicing out their opinions are still happening given the reason that these student journalists may tend to refute policies and practices imposed by school officials and may write articles that go beyond the campus’ issues which could result to the fall out of communities. Now, going back to the benefits presented in the above statements, everybody is capable and more than legally allowed to share out loud their opinions on a certain issue. If an instance where a journalist would write something that is offending and beyond from what it must be will occur, then the goal of producing writers expressing their thoughts in the most educated manner of campus journalism must have failed its purpose. Empowering students should be the top priority of any school and it must start there. Journalism must be a benefit to all not the other way around. Students’ experience may be limited within the parameters of their school, but they have the power to lift communities and unite them as one through writing that goes beyond the barriers of mind. Campus journalism will pave the way towards positive outlook - one that does not informally bash and elucidate hate but rather one that reaps collective arguments and information beneficial to everybody. This is a major way for students to put their voices out there and publish their beliefs and therefore should have continued presence in schools. Dr. Jose Rizal was right when he quoted “the youth is the hope of the future”. They are the instruments that may bring a positive change and notable spotlight that would not just build foundation for the future but also provide empowerment to fellow students, communities and to the society.